March 27, 2017

Slice of Life Challenge | Day 27

Through the Two Writing Teachers, I found chartchums which started me on a journey with Kristine Mraz. Over the years, I have learned so much from her through her blogs, tweets and books. A Mindset for Learning, co-authored with Christine Hertz,  has been life-changing in my classroom. My students learn the importance of their brain and how "to take on challenges with zeal"!

One of the ways we get our brains ready to learn is to remember breathing and positive self-talk. My students even make cards for their desks. It is a visual reminder for themselves!


  1. Kristi and Marjorie's blog is a fantastic resource, as are their books!

  2. Thank you for sharing the chart and the kid writing!
    What a treat to see it as well as read about it.

  3. I LOVE, LOVE Smarter Charts!!!! I need to follow their blog, thanks for sharing. Off to do that now. :)


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